Catch-up Blog 11: Site Offices (Oct 2018)
Pat arranged delivery of a container that had already setup inside as a site office which now provides us with secure storage on-site for all our tools, plans and materials. It required a little tidying up by Pat before the move and Rochelle was happy to wave it goodbye.. The walk up and down the driveway to the building site several times a day is something we will no doubt curse later, but for now at least it is still great to have everything on-site and exercise is healthy apparently...
The first building to go up on the main site was the site dunnie (toilet). An important pre-requisite for us moving out from town to the site in a caravan and reducing our commuting time/cost.
Pat provided the corrugated iron walls and roof from a previous humanure site toilet, but as we had waste treatment and spring water on-site we opted for a full flushing toilet and sink - flash eh!! So Andrew grabbed an old toilet, seat and cistern from Pheonix demolition, Pat and Andrew constructed the building with a left-over pallet as the floor and then Kenny and Ayden connected it all up for us. Brilliant…
We were known by the neighbours as the couple with the loo with the view! as there was no door on it for a couple of weeks, so using it was a bit like playing Russian roulette - with the porcelain shining like a beacon as it lined up directly with the road below ha ha…
View from the loo..