Blog 24: The schedule…

By the end of March 2019 we will be at the mid-way point of the whole build, 6 months into a 12 month build with the stretch target of moving into the self-contained B&B part of the house in July 2019. 

So… time for a checkpoint, how are we doing?


Well the weather has been kind and the commitment of our build team led by Pat has been great! working above and beyond to keep timing on-track and we have had additional helpers joining us for parts of the build as well; Piers, Michael, Jake, and more recently Nils.

On the subbies side, Kenny for plumbing and Bob and Geoff on the electrical wiring have also been great, working with the build team pretty seamlessly on timing.

Of course everything doesn’t go exactly to plan.. but we have managed to absorb timing differences into our contingency and replan the order of events as we go, So… as we near mid-way.. I am happy to report that we are on track against the overall plan! with many challenges, hard and fun work behind us and looking forward to the challenges, hard work and fun up ahead :-) thank you to everyone for your efforts so far and for the next 6 months lets keep on driving the build forward and knock it right out of the ballpark!!.. bring it on!