Blog 48: A new beginning
Well yes it’s done! we have sadly moved beyond the phase of struggling to find excuses to get Pat and team out here…
In December we completed the decks and the main bathroom fit-out, in readiness for family flying in from Italy and Australia for a Christmas house warming, we had 11 staying in the house over Christmas and many local visitors :-)
Fiorella and Dario arrived from Italy mid December and will be with us for a month, they have been a joy to have here. Dario helping with the endless jobs we have to complete and Fiorella tirelessly housekeeping and cooking for the huge crew we have had staying here, totally in her element! hugely appreciated.
Throughout his stay Rhys was taking stills and movies and even interviews, and cousin James took a bunch of awesome candid photos on Boxing Day at the extended family gathering and brought out his drone again. Thanks so much guys, and yes stay tuned for some more Nga Kereru video instalments.
We had saved some work to share with the kids so everyone has participated in creating our family home, the painting of the house exterior was the task as we had to wait a few months after lime plastering for it to cure before putting silicate (breathable) paint on. Primer coat, and two finish coats… Pat and team helped got us started with the primer coat, and when the kids arrived we put up the scaffolds and had a working bee to get the first top coat on. A lot of fun had by all, rewarded with a few presents, nonna Fiorella’s cooking and a bottomless beer fridge :-)
Many opportunities to fire up the pizza oven over Christmas feeding the live in crew and extended family and friends visitors, a joyful time..
And then before you know it.. it was time for the kids to fly back to Sydney to celebrate New Years. Back in the bay with help from Dario and Everett we boxed on and got the final coat of paint on, and its all done, finished.. thats it.. Sad but great.. mixed feelings. A HUGE thankyou to everyone who had a hand in creating our dream home, wishing you all a happy new year and bring on the new decade!
Love Andrew and Alessandra